The central point of reference for general road safety matters is Croydon Council and their Road Safety Manager. Some of the main traffic routes through Croydon are the responsibility of the London mayor’s office through Traffic for London (TfL), not Croydon Council.
However, in the first instance all enquiries or protests should be directed to the Croydon Road Safety Manager, who will, if necessary, arrange for transmission to TfL.
Serious concerns about matters such as speeding, dangerous driving or accidents etc. may be reported direct to Croydon Police (020 8667 1212); if possible with details of vehicle registration number and or any distinctive features such as vehicle model, colour or unique lettering on it.
CROYDON COUNCIL ROAD SAFETY MANAGER: Tel/Typetalk: 020 8760 5774 OR 5484
CROYDON POLICE STATION – Tel: 020 8667 1212.