About the HADRA Area
Please refer to our Planning Table to see a full list of the roads in our area.
You’ll also be able to find information on past and present development proposals in our Planning Archives.

A note about Aveling Close, Reedham Drive and Watney Close
When HADRA was originally established, our area included the space now occupied by these roads. Residents in these areas subsequently decided to form their own residents’ association, so whilst these roads are within the HADRA area, they also have their own associations.
HADRA currently does not have road stewards in these areas and does not collect subscriptions or deliver newsletters to the houses in these roads.
Residents living in these roads are, however, welcome to become members of HADRA. Click here to find joining information.
A note about the Brighton Road and the roads off it
The HADRA area includes the stretch of the Brighton Road between Old Lodge Lane and Stoats Nest Road, although we currently have very few members in this area.
There has been a considerable amount of development here in recent years, including the addition of new roads.