Making a Planning Objection

Residents often contact HADRA because they are concerned about a planning application in our area. The most common cause of alarm is the demolition of a family home and its replacement with a block of (usually 9) flats. HADRA has no objection to flats in principle. We understand that there is an urgent need for more homes in our borough and (despite what certain Croydon Councillors believe) it’s not simply a case of ‘Not In My Back Yard’.

HADRA supports its residents in objecting to inappropriate ‘intensification’ schemes that are not accompanied by an improvement to the existing local infrastructure, and do not contribute to affordable housing. We believe that most people who move to our area are looking for a home with private outdoor space, not a flat. We recognise the need to reduce our reliance on cars, but do not believe that this can be done without infrastructure improvements.

HADRA’s Role in Planning

HADRA is registered with Croydon Council as a residents’ association. This means that HADRA has the power to refer planning applications for Committee consideration so that the application will be decided in public by elected Councillors rather than behind closed doors by planning officers. ​

HADRA will not normally get involved in individual householder planning applications e.g. extensions, conversion of a garage to a habitable room or erection of outbuildings.​

When HADRA hears about a potentially contentious application, it will normally send a notification letter to residents living near the development. This letter will include some bullet points which you can use to formulate your own comments. If appropriate, HADRA will then write a full objection letter and refer the application for Committee consideration. This referral gives an individual resident (or HADRA, on behalf of residents) an opportunity to make their case in front of the decision makers in a 3 minute speech. The local Ward Councillor is also permitted to speak for 3 minutes.

Material Planning Considerations

The Council will only take material planning considerations into account when deciding on a planning application. Development Management (the planning department) has issued clear guidance as to what constitutes a material planning consideration. Here are some examples:​

  • National Planning Policy Framework​
  • London Plan and Croydon Local Plan​
  • Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)​
  • Layout and density of building​
  • Design, appearance and materials​
  • Overlooking/loss of privacy​
  • Loss of light or overshadowing​
  • Parking, highway safety and traffic​
  • Accessibility​
  • Noise, smells and disturbance resulting from use​
  • Nature conservation, biodiversity and trees​
  • Effect on listed building and conservation area​

​Click HERE to read the Council’s detailed advice​.