Planning Application No. 21/02996/FUL

Erection of a terrace of 6 no. three bed dwellings to the rear of the existing property; demolition of a single storey side extension to the existing property; new vehicular and pedestrian access to the rear; associated parking and hard and soft landscaping

HADRA advises you that another planning application has been submitted to Croydon Council, (after felling more trees in May 2021) proposing to construct six terraced three storey, three bedroom mews houses in the back garden of 11 Haydn Avenue. Please note that planning application No. 19/05346/FUL for the demolition of the existing house and construction of 19 flats has still not been determined by the council after 16 months.

Details of this planning application and can be seen on Croydon Council’s Public Access Register where you can view the documents submitted. You can make online objections or comments on this application by clicking on “make a public comment.” Alternatively you can send written objections to:-

Head of Development Management, Croydon Council,
6th Floor, Bernard Weatherill House,
8 Mint Walk,

or by email to

This should be done before the neighbour consultation expiry date of Friday 9 July 2021; however the case officer will consider comments before the determination deadline which is currently Friday 30 July 2021.

HADRA will support our residents in objecting to this planning application and will refer it to the Planning Committee where we can voice our objections before a decision is made. HADRA will also request our Local Councillors Jan Buttinger and Ola Kolade to also refer it to the Planning Committee and request the support of our local MP Chris Philp.

CLICK HERE to download the full letter.