Where abandoned vehicles are concerned, the council have a section dealing with this. Any referral must be on the basis that the vehicle is definitely abandoned and also is on the public roadway. Telephone: 020 8726 7100 or 020 8407 6839*.
*This number can also be used for reporting untaxed vehicles. This can also be done direct to the DVLA on 0800 325202.
Residents should be encouraged to take up bonfire issues, firstly with the person whose bonfire it is, and secondly with the council on the contact numbers below, and thirdly with one of their local councillors, only involving HADRA if they are unable to make progress.
Bonfires themselves are NOT illegal. However, it is an offence at law to cause a nuisance from a bonfire and the council is able to prosecute persistent offenders who can be fined up to £5,000.
The Council prefers that residents recycle waste and the Purley Oaks recycling centre is close to the HADRA area.
Once the Council has introduced a green waste collection borough wide, consideration will then be given to imposing a ban on bonfires.
Meantime, the Council has published its Air Quality Action Plan (November 2006) which raises the issue of bonfires. This will be open to public consultation and is on going.
The Council will investigate cases where bonfires are a nuisance – 0208 760 5483 preferably enabling officers to attend when the bonfire is in progress. Outside working hours 0208 7267 6000 but it is unclear how immediate any response may be.
Leads, collars and muzzles
Under the Road Traffic Act 1988 it is a criminal offence for a dog to be on a designated road (ie. a public road) without being held on a lead. There are exceptions for dogs proved to be kept for driving or tending sheep or cattle in the course of a trade or business; and dogs proved to have been at the material time in use under proper control for sporting purposes.
The Control of Dogs Order 1992 requires every dog (subject to a few exceptions) while on a public highway or in a public place to wear a collar with the name and address of the owner inscribed on it or a plate or badge attached to it. The exceptions include:
- packs of hounds;
- dogs used for sporting purposes;
- dogs being used for the capture or destruction of vermin;
- dogs being used for the driving or tending of cattle or sheep;
- dogs being used on official duties by a member of the Armed Forces or Customs and Excise or a police force;
- dogs being used in emergency rescue work, and;
- dogs registered with the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.
If you do not comply with the legal requirements for a collar, you can be prosecuted and fined under the Animal Health Act 1981. Furthermore, if your dog does not have a collar on a highway or in a public place, it can be treated as a stray dog and seized by the Local Authority.
Under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 it is a criminal offence to allow a pit bull terrier, Japanese tosa or any dog designated by the Secretary of State as being a dog bred for fighting, to be in a public place without being muzzled and kept on a lead by someone who is 16 years old or above. Where an offence is committed the offender may be imprisoned and/or fined. The Court may also order the destruction of the dog and may order the offender to be disqualified from having custody of a dog, for such period as the Court thinks fit.
A dog owner has a responsibility to ensure that the dog is well behaved wherever it is, having been a dog owner for many years the key word is that the owner is responsible for the animal. But owners are not always responsible people and if this is the case they need to be taken to task by the authorities.
According to Keep Britain Tidy, fly-tipping is defined as the ‘illegal deposit of any waste onto land that does not have a licence to accept it’.
Fly-tipping should be reported to the Council. Residents can:
- call Croydon’s environmental team on 020 8726 6200 (option 1 for fly-tipping)
- use the Don’t Mess with Croydon app
- use the online form on the Council website.
Please do not remove any part of a fly-tip: leave this to the Council as there may be hazardous substances or evidence that points to the perpetrator.
Dumping waste illegally is a serious criminal offence (Environmental Protection Act 1990); it carries a fine of up to £50,000 (unlimited if the case goes to the Crown Court) and perpetrators could also face a prison sentence of up to 5 years.
As well as reporting fly-tipping, residents are encouraged to use only licensed waste carriers. Ignorance is not an excuse – you could be held responsible and face prosecution for fly-tipping if you haven’t checked that the company or person who removes rubbish from your premises has a licence to carry waste.
Residents are reminded that dumping garden waste on public or private land (such as Coulsdon Manor Golf Course) also constitutes fly-tipping.
The Councillors listed below are those for our local area. If you are not sure who your local councillor is, please enter your address on the Your home button here. For a full list of Croydon councillors, please click here.
The HADRA area encompasses parts of four electoral wards. Please select the appropriate ward from the list below:
Old Coulsdon Ward
Kenley Ward
Purley and Woodcote
Coulsdon Town
Please click the links below to be taken to the websites of other nearby residents’ associations.
Kenley & District Residents Association (Kendra)
East Coulsdon Residents’ Association (ECRA)
These issues should be dealt wih by the resident and the council were appropriate.
With matters of appearance to gardens it is always worth having a little chat with the neighbour before taking any action, as this could resolve the situation before involving any outside bodies.
If greenery from a private dwelling is overgrown and encroaching onto a footpath to the extent of reducing the width of the pathway or forcing pedestrians off the pathway into the road, the Council should be notified.
The Council will then instruct a designated Streetscene Officer to view the situation. If after inspection it is felt action needs to be taken, a letter will be issued and if no action is taken to remedy the situation, the Council could have the greenery cut and then bill the occupant.
If the overgrown area is a Council responsibility, the Parks and Woodland Dept. should be contacted.
On a public roadway residents have no proprietary rights to the kerbside immediately outside their properties, except to the right of access and egress.
If encroachment takes place to the extent that access is impossible, the matter should be reported to the council’s Parking Enforcement Officer. It is important that the officer can see the incident for himself.
if the encroachment is partial and access can still be achieved, it is suggested that full details should be taken and that a polite notice be placed on the offending vehicle, if this does not have the desired effect, then contact the Parking Enforcement Officer.
A resident may try to assert parking rights by placing cones to prevent others parking. Whilst this may prove to be effective for a period, it would appear to be indefensible if challenged.
Planning is a complicated subject, but the following is a synopsis. Planning controls are used to arbitrate in cases where those who wish to profit over the aesthetics of our area. Overall the council is governed by planning laws from which they take advice of their professional planners but the final decision is subjective in the council Planning Committee.
However, the council is strongly influenced by the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) which attempts to plan for the development of Croydon in the longer term. The UDP is a substantial volume and was adopted in 1997. It is presently under review and the Government has stated a desire for brown rather than green site development.
If you want to alter or improve your home
If you want to alter or improve your home, put up a building in the garden or build an extension, what is allowed is summarised in “Planning – A Guide for Householders”. This is available from the council One Stop Planning Counter or from their website.
Improvements/developments by others
Croydon Council no longer sends written notification of planning applications to neighbours and other interested parties. Instead the Council will only post site notices in close proximity to the application site. We would ask residents to be vigilant and read any notices appearing on lampposts, gateposts and perimeter fences. All planning applications submitted to the council are listed under the relevant ward and date of receipt and can be accessed on the council website (see above).
There are also links to a Quick Search detailing the previous month’s applications, decisions, appeals plus an Advanced Search, as well as access to general planning information.
If you like the proposed improvement/development
If this is acceptable to you, then you can either write to the council planning department or do nothing.
If you have a problem with the proposals
If you disagree with the proposal, write to the Planning Department expressing your reasons (see below for valid reasons). Please note that there is a time limit on commenting, usually three or four weeks after publication. If it is a significant development, contact your neighbours personally to gauge their support.
Also contact HADRA to discuss how to proceed. HADRA can give you guidance and assist in compiling an objection letter for completing by residents.
There is now a new protocol for Development Control introduced by the council from March 2006 and this includes the following:
To ensure that an application reaches the Planning Committee:
· There now need to be letters of objection from 12 residents (previously 6)
· HADRA are registered with Croydon Council to be able to make referrals to the planning committee.
· All petitions must have at least 20 signatures.
Member’s referrals: Must be on the correct form and be five days before the meeting.
At the meeting:
· All material for the committee must reach the planning officer at least 24 hours before the meeting, and not handed round at the meeting.
· Committee members can now question any residents who speak at the meeting on any of the facts.
Some valid reasons for objecting:
- Bulk and massing. The proposed development would be out of keeping with the character of the area and detrimental to the visual amenity of the street scene by reason of its height and massing.
- Density. The proposals are in excess of the densities reflected in the adjoining properties and would result in a cramped and overcrowded layout.
- Parking facilities on site or on public roads or through traffic. The development may have insufficient consideration for the number of cars that will be parked at the site or on public roads. There are detailed rules as to parking spaces per flat.
- Being overlooked and lack of privacy. If the development is large or has inappropriate windows/balconies/patios, this may be detrimental to the amenities of the adjacent properties by reason of its size, siting and visual intrusion. This also applies to mutual overlooking if a back garden development is proposed.
- Trees. The loss of mature trees is viewed dimly and some trees have preservation orders on them.
- Drainage. The proposal may put an unacceptable extra load on foul water drainage.
- Wildlife. In particular, badger setts are protected and in the past have prevented developments going ahead.
- Adjoining green belt land. Planners have refused permission on occasions where a proposed development adjoins green belt land such as Coulsdon Manor golf course.
As stated above, contact should be made with HADRA who can coordinate any further action if appropriate, but please note that we cannot give advice to third parties with house purchase and associated planning applications. Nor can we become involved in disputes between neighbours.
Lastly, although the council can refuse an application for a communications mast, this will inevitably be reversed on appeal as the government is committed to providing a certain level of coverage.
In an emergency always dial 999.
To contact the police or report an incident when it is not an emergency dial 101 or visit met.police.uk
Day-to-day police activity is now undertaken by Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNTs), which are organised by wards.
You can visit the relevant webpage to get crime statistics for your ward or follow your SNT on Twitter. The teams also use the social network for your neighbourhood at www.nextdoor.co.uk.
Please visit the Police news page to read the latest newsletter.
For non-urgent matters, there is also an email address for each ward’s SNT. Please note that SNTs do not operate 24 hours a day.
Coulsdon Town
Webpage: https://www.met.police.uk/a/your-area/met/croydon/coulsdon-town/
Email : CoulsdonTown.SNT@met.police.uk
Twitter : @MPSCoulsdonTown
Old Coulsdon
Webpage: https://www.met.police.uk/a/your-area/met/croydon/old-coulsdon/
Email : OldCoulsdon.SNT@met.police.uk
Twitter : @MPSOldCoulsdon
Purley & Woodcote
Webpage: https://www.met.police.uk/a/your-area/met/croydon/purley-and-woodcote/
Email: PurleyandWoodcote.SNT@met.police.uk
Twitter: @MPSPurley_Wood
Webpage: https://www.met.police.uk/a/your-area/met/croydon/kenley/
Email: Kenley.SNT@met.police.uk
Twitter: @MPSKenley
Noise is unwanted sound, too loud, duration too long or without warning. Noise Nuisance is used in law which affects the enjoyment of your home.
Noise nuisance is covered by Part lll of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
This law empowers local authorities to deal with noise from fixed premises.
Before action is taken the officers have to be sure that the noise constitutes a statutory nuisance. This means that the noise has to be proved to be prejudicial to health and/or is causing an unreasonable persistent disturbance to your lifestyle.
When is noise a statutory nuisance? The noise can be too loud, too intrusive wrong time. Barking Dogs; loud music; home and car alarms; DIY and motor repairs; repetitive bass beats. Your response to the noise must be wholly reasonable.
Reporting a Noise Nuisance
The council in the summer months (from May until the end of September) have a Noisy Party Patrol consisting of an environmental health officer supported by police which operates on a Saturday night keeping an ear out for loud parties and responding to complaints about excessive noise between 11pm and 3am. To contact the council, the phone number is 020 8686 4433, or to speak to an environmental health officer, ring the council Monday – Friday between 9am and 5pm on 020 8760 5483.
In general terms enforcement action can be taken with a legal notice being served and failure to comply can result in a fine of up to £5,000.
All residents need to be conscious of the effects of noise, including barbeques.
The Council does not have any jurisdiction for rail, traffic or aircraft noise.
Noise Nuisance concerning roads can be a matter for the Police. This can relate in particular to motor cycles, low powered scooters with noisy exhausts, and also cheap mini scooters and the like which are not registered for road use.
In many cases these are unfortunately as per the manufacturers’ specification which means that the noise created by them cannot be classified as due to the machines being unroadworthy. However, if there is consistent driving up and down a particular section of road, this could become a nuisance (as well as dangerous driving if going too fast round corners or doing wheelies), but it has to be monitored and the culprits caught in the act.
Similar monitoring would be necessary with these mini scooters but as these are not registered for road use, if they are used on public roads then the Police have more opportunity to act.
The Kenley Ward Safer Neighbourhood team based at Kenley Police Station is the first contact point between 10.00 am and 10.00pm weekdays.
The central point of reference for general road safety matters is Croydon Council and their Road Safety Manager. Some of the main traffic routes through Croydon are the responsibility of the London mayor’s office through Traffic for London (TfL), not Croydon Council.
However, in the first instance all enquiries or protests should be directed to the Croydon Road Safety Manager, who will, if necessary, arrange for transmission to TfL.
Serious concerns about matters such as speeding, dangerous driving or accidents etc. may be reported direct to Croydon Police (020 8667 1212); if possible with details of vehicle registration number and or any distinctive features such as vehicle model, colour or unique lettering on it.
CROYDON COUNCIL ROAD SAFETY MANAGER: Tel/Typetalk: 020 8760 5774 OR 5484
CROYDON POLICE STATION – Tel: 020 8667 1212.
- Never let anyone into your home unless you are sure of their credentials.
- Always ask for business cards or business address and telephone number (not mobile).
- If they say there is an urgent problem with your roof, drive, tree’s and boundary fences always get a reliable third party to check the problem before you part with any money.
- Only agree to pay for the work after completion.
- Be very wary of anyone offering to provide a product or services for cash only.
- Avoid anyone who says they are only in the area for a short while and can do a special deal.
- Croydon Trading Standards operate a ‘Check a Trade’ an approved trader scheme.
- For details of vetted local traders call 0845 408 4866 or visit www.checkatrade.com
The Guidelines above have been formulated from advice by Sergeant Paul Potter of the Kenley Safer Neighbourhoods Team.
The Police now have a website where you can see the crime figures in your area by entering a post code, town, village or street.
Untidy or overgrown front gardens are of no concern to the council, provided they do not affect the road or pavement or that vermin are not present.
The recommended approach is to speak to the homeowner and hope that a polite approach can remedy the situation.
In the event that vermin or rodents are present, the council’s environmental department should be contacted. They will inspect and report to the homeowner as to what action should be taken it would be wise to contact the homeowner before the council is approached.
A rat or mice infestation should also be reported to the council – main switchboard no. 020 8726 6000.
Builders’ material on roadway/pavement
The Strict position regarding materials on the roadway is that a licence should first be obtained, at a cost, and once the work has been completed and the debris removed, the builder should then notify the Council, who will come and inspect the scene.
If all is in order and no damage has taken place the builder’s deposit (payable at the time of applying for the licence) will be returned to him.
In fact a practical approach is normally followed, and if a licence is not applied for and the materials are disposed of quickly, then all is well.
If therefore, a situation gives rise to complaint the sensible course would appear to be to raise the matter with the householder – who is the responsible person so far as the council is concerned – and if there is no remedy within a reasonable time the matter should be raised with the Street Enforcement Officer.
As regards materials deposited on the pavement, space must be left for pedestrians. if this is not the case, and representations to the workmen or the householder are ignored, then reference to the street enforcement officer would be the next step. However, obviously a reasonable attitude is essential.
Residents of the Hartley & District area are asked to pay an annual subscription of £5. This supports the voluntary efforts of the committee members, funds the printing of the bi-annual newsletter and covers other administrative expenses.
How to Pay
The easiest way to pay your subscription is to set up an annual standing order. We moved our bank account in 2020, so please note the new details:
Account name : HADRA Sort Code : 23-05-80 (Metro Bank) Account number: 41022558
Please quote your full postcode and house/flat number in the reference.
You can of course use the same details to make a one-off payment.
Alternatively, cash or cheques made payable to HADRA can be delivered to:
HADRA Membership Secretary, 36 Byron Avenue, Coulsdon, CR5 2JR.
Please quote your postcode and flat/house number.
Our Accounting period
If you require assistance
If you have any queries, please email treasurer@hadra.org
— We appreciate your kind and continued support of HADRA —
The Committee usually meets once a month to discuss local issues and to hear reports from those Committee members who attend other local meetings such as the Purley Forum, Coulsdon Neighbourhood Partnership, Kenley & Purley Neighbourhood Partnership, East Surrey Transport Committee, Local Police Liaison Committee, Croydon Clinical Commissioning Group.
We are always looking for keen individuals to serve on our Committee, or as Road Stewards. If anyone would like more information about how you can get involved with HADRA, please contact our Secretary.
Typically Committee members are elected at our Annual General Meeting and serve for the following year. However, some of our existing Committee members have served on the Committee for many years. Our HADRA Constitution also permits us to appoint Committee members as necessary to fill vacant positions.
The current Committee was confirmed at our AGM in May 2023, or at subsequent Committee meetings.

Transport & Environmental Representative
(Please contact us at action@hadra.org)

Health Representative & Minutes Secretary
Rita Lewis
Phone: 020 8668 5520

Police Liaison
(Please contact us at action@hadra.org)

Committee Member
Diane Hearne
Phone: 020 8668 1778

Committee Member
Josephine Hullay
Phone: 020 8660 0845

Committee Member
(Please contact us at action@hadra.org)

Hon. Auditor
Mike Hearne

Vip de Silva

Road Steward Liaison Officer