It finally appears that summer is now here and along with the glorious weather comes the necessity of maintaining our gardens too.  It’s one of those chores that, no matter how much time we spend labouring over the weeds, the lawns and overgrown bushes, we look around a week later and can sometimes feel as if our efforts were in vain.

It was probably for this reason that our members asked us at our recent AGM to write to residents and remind them that trees and hedgerows require maintenance too.

We are of course fortunate to live in a particularly green area of the borough, however what may be pleasing to some people can cause issues to neighbours, especially if vegetation is hanging over public footpaths. Overgrown hedges for example can mean that those on mobility scooters or with child buggies may have to venture into the road just to pass that large bush we’ve been cultivating for the next Chelsea Flower Show!  If you live close to a road junction, please also consider that overgrown trees can hamper vision and potentially be a contributing factor in accidents.

There is also the need to maintain the trees and hedges in our back gardens, especially if their height can negatively affect a neighbour’s enjoyment of sunlight. Croydon Council suggest that hedge growth is kept below the 2 metre mark, so please do consider the impact on your neighbours on either side and on the neighbour whose garden backs on to yours.

We live in such a beautiful part of the country, surrounded by woodland and stunning gardens, however, with such beauty comes responsibility too.  So, on behalf of our members, all we ask is that you take the time to maintain hedges and trees so that they don’t become a nuisance to your neighbours.

Thank you for your consideration and enjoy the summer!