2018 is 100 years since the end of the First World War and the Royal British Legion are launching a ‘Thank You Movement’ from 8th August to run through 100 days until Armistice Day on Sunday 11 November. They are inviting members of the public to say ‘Thank You’ to all those who served, sacrificed, and changed our world. To mark this event, 45cm poppies will be displayed on some lampposts in the Borough of Croydon.
This has been organised by Riddlesdown Residents’ Association who, along with a number of other Residents’ Associations of Sanderstead, Selsdon, Coulsdon West, East Coulsdon, Old Coulsdon, Hartley & District, and Kenley & District will be fixing poppies on lampposts to some streets in these areas, from 8 August until 11 November 2018. In the HADRA area this will be at the parades of shops in Stoats Nest Road and Old Lodge Lane and we are also supporting the poppies in Coulsdon Town.
Croydon Council and Skanska (who maintain the street lighting) have been very supportive in allowing all the Residents’ Associations to do this.
Riddlesdown RA and all the local Residents’ Associations are making a donation to the Royal British Legion for these poppies on the lampposts. All Croydon residents are also invited to join all the Residents’ Associations by making a donation if they wish, to support this cause, maybe in memory of a relative, or friend.
The Riddlesdown Residents Association have set up a ‘JustGiving’ page, which HADRA are supporting, where residents can give a donation, maybe in memory of a family member or friend.
Or alternatively, if you would like more information about how you can ‘purchase’ a poppy, (a minimum £3 donation is suggested) to display on your own property, then please contact Jemma Cottam-Verbruggen at the Royal British Legion on 020 3053 7237 or email jcottam-verbruggen@britishlegion.org.uk or see this RBL link.