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March 2020

Police Notice – The Herbert Protocol

The following is an email from the Old Coulsdon Ward policing team about The Herbert Protocol. The Herbert protocol form and the guidance notes that go with it are linked at the end of this article:

Dear Ward Member,


There is nothing more frightening than when a loved one, friend or neighbour goes missing or fails to return when they should.
For people living with dementia, this could be quite common.

The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme being introduced by the Metropolitan Police and other agencies which encourages carers to compile useful information which could be used in the event of a vulnerable person going missing.

The idea is to complete a form recording all vital details such as required medication, mobile numbers, places previously located, a recent photograph […]

September 2019

Freedom of Information (FOI) Request

HADRA has today submitted a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to Croydon Council so that we can better understand and analyse the current planning situation in our borough.

This afternoon, the council acknowledged receipt of our request with the following statement:

“Thank you for your request for information that was received on 11 September 2019. We are dealing with your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and we aim to send a response by 9 October 2019.”
Under the Freedom of Information act, Croydon Council must respond “promptly” and certainly within 20 working days.
We will keep you informed of our progress and the responses we receive from Croydon Council.

You can read our letter in full HERE.

Croydon Council proceeds with unpopular emission-based parking charges

Despite only 5% of people supporting the proposed Emissions Based Parking charges, Croydon Council has today announced that intends to plough ahead with the proposed changes.

Croydon Council has today advised residents:

The Council Members of the Traffic Management Advisory Committee, at their meeting on 24th July 2019, have considered the comments received and have recommended the introduction of emission-based parking permit charges. The process concluded in a formal decision on 15 August 2019.

The new charges will apply when a resident permit is next up for renewal after 1st October 2019 and after 1st April 2020 for other permit types.

A public report on the consultation outcome and decision process is available as a pdf download (3Mb).

The statutory procedure for consulting on the revised charges structure requires that the Council responds to all the comments received, which is the reason behind the lengthy nature […]

July 2019

Warning of Car Break Ins

There seem to be a spate of car break-ins in and around our area at the moment.

There are reports on of cars in Old Lodge Lane, Kenmore Road and Roffey Close being broken into last night, Foxley Lane on 12th, plus attempted break-ins to vehicles on Kenwood Ridge, Higher Drive, Haydn Avenue and Old Lodge Lane the previous night.

Please – do not leave anything valuable inside your car. Lock your car when it is unattended and report anything suspicious to the police.

The person pictured here has been captured on numerous CCTV cameras attempting to gain access to vehicles around our area in the early hours of the morning.  If you have any information concerning the person in this picture, please contact the police.

Overgrown Trees

It finally appears that summer is now here and along with the glorious weather comes the necessity of maintaining our gardens too.  It’s one of those chores that, no matter how much time we spend labouring over the weeds, the lawns and overgrown bushes, we look around a week later and can sometimes feel as if our efforts were in vain.

It was probably for this reason that our members asked us at our recent AGM to write to residents and remind them that trees and hedgerows require maintenance too.

We are of course fortunate to live in a particularly green area of the borough, however what may be pleasing to some people can cause issues to neighbours, especially if vegetation is hanging over public footpaths. Overgrown hedges for example can mean that those on mobility scooters or with child buggies may have […]

Introducing Standing Orders

You have asked. We have listened!

HADRA is pleased to announce that with effect from today, we will accept membership subscription payments by standing order.

This article will outline what a standing order is, your responsibilities if you decide to use it, and how you can request future membership subscriptions to be paid by standing order.


What is a Standing Order?

A standing order is a way of setting up a regular, fixed payment from your bank account.

You can set a payment to be taken at a certain frequency (for example, the 1st of each month) and for a set amount of time, such as six months. Your payments will consist of money set at an specified on the standing order form.

You can normally set up a standing order by completing a standing order form and giving it to your bank or setting up the […]

Croydon’s Green Spaces

Croydon Council is requesting your assistance in evidence gathering relating to green spaces across the borough.
The intention of this call for evidence is to determine areas of green space that could be granted a planning designation that would offer some protection to the site.
The more evidence received from the community, the more informed the Local Plan evidence base will be.
To find out more and get involved, please take part in their 5-minute survey here.
The one in the HADRA area is “Land ro t/o Hilliars Heath Road”, but there are some near the HADRA area that you might want to consider giving evidence like Higher Drive Recreation Area, Purley Rotary Field Recreation Area, Copse Hill Spinney Coulsdon, Coulsdon Coppice (Bleakfield Shaw), Couldson Coppice (Stoneyfield Shaw) Coulsdon Memorial Ground, Foxley Wood and Sherwood Oaks, Scrub Shaw Coulsdon.
If you do think […]
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