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August 2021

Sale of Coulsdon Manor Hotel & Golf Course

On 12th July 2021, Croydon Council’s Cabinet approved the sale of a number of public assets, including the Council’s freehold interest in the hotel and golf course at Coulsdon Manor. Negotiations are ongoing with the current leaseholder, but one of the conditions of the sale is that the golf course, putting greens and tennis courts remain as public facilities, in accordance with the terms of the current 125 year lease (103 years remaining).

It is a common misconception that Coulsdon Court (as it was previously known) was left to the people of Coulsdon in a will; it wasn’t. It was sold to the Council in the 1930s. A full history can be found here.

Inevitably there are rumours circulating that there are plans to build housing on the golf course. No such planning application has been submitted. Don’t forget […]

13 Haydn Avenue CR8 4AG

Planning Application No. 21/03674/FUL

Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a four storey building comprising 7 self-contained flats, land level changes including excavation, new vehicular crossover and parking, external refuse/recycling storage and cycle parking and other associated works

The Hartley and District Residents’ Association (HADRA) advises you that a planning application has been submitted to Croydon Council, proposing to demolish the four bedroom house at 13 Haydn Avenue and to construct a four storey block of seven flats ( 1 no 1 bed, 4 no 2 bed & 2 no 3 bed, total 26 residents) with 6 car parking spaces.

Details of this planning application and can be seen on Croydon Council’s Public Access Register

where you can view the documents submitted. You can make online objections or comments on this application by clicking on “make a public comment.” Alternatively you can […]

July 2021

DEMOC Conference call – 26th July

At the referendum on 7th October where residents of Croydon will have a chance to vote on whether they want to stick with the current system whereby Councillors chose the Leader who runs our town or change to a system with an executive Mayor, directly elected by every voter of Croydon.

The residents’ association-led campaign for a Directly Elected Mayor of Croydon (DEMOC) is keen to raise awareness of the referendum so residents can make an informed choice.
We are hosting an on-line meeting for any Residents’ Association members, family, friends and neighbours to find out more about the issues at stake.

Time: 8pm – 9pm
Date: 26 July 2021


Just click the link above a few minutes before 8pm on 26 July and you will be able to join the meeting. There will be a couple of speakers from the DEMOC […]

June 2021

24 Coulsdon Court Road CR5 2LL

Planning Application No. 21/02876/FUL

Demolition of existing building; erection of a terrace of 6 three/four bedroom houses of two-storeys with roof space accommodation; provision of 6 car parking spaces and refuse storage structures

The Hartley and District Residents’ Association (HADRA) advises you that another planning application has been submitted by Macar Developments to Croydon Council, proposing to demolish the existing 5 bedroom house and build 6 three story three/four bedroom houses in addition to the 7 flats and 2 semi-detached house under construction granted under planning application 19/04535/FUL.

Details of this planning application and can be seen on Croydon Council’s Public Access Register where you can view the documents submitted. You can make online objections or comments on this application by clicking on “make a public comment.” Alternatively you can send written objections to:-

Head of Development Management, Croydon Council,
6th Floor, Bernard Weatherill […]

11 Haydn Avenue CR8 4AG

Planning Application No. 21/02996/FUL

Erection of a terrace of 6 no. three bed dwellings to the rear of the existing property; demolition of a single storey side extension to the existing property; new vehicular and pedestrian access to the rear; associated parking and hard and soft landscaping

HADRA advises you that another planning application has been submitted to Croydon Council, (after felling more trees in May 2021) proposing to construct six terraced three storey, three bedroom mews houses in the back garden of 11 Haydn Avenue. Please note that planning application No. 19/05346/FUL for the demolition of the existing house and construction of 19 flats has still not been determined by the council after 16 months.

Details of this planning application and can be seen on Croydon Council’s Public Access Register where you can view the documents submitted. You can […]

220 Brighton Road Planning Notification

A planning application has been submitted to Croydon Council proposing to demolish the detached house and replace it with a three storey block of nine flats.

Details of this planning application and the pre-application advice ref. 20/06679/PRE can be seen on Croydon Council’s Public Access Register where you can view the documents submitted. You can make online objections or comments on this application by clicking on “make a public comment.”

Alternatively you can send written objections to:-

Head of Development Management,
Croydon Council,
6th Floor, Bernard Weatherill House,
8 Mint Walk,
Croydon CR0 1EA

… or by email to

This should be done before the neighbour consultation expiry date of Wednesday 16 June; however the case officer will consider comments before the determination deadline which is currently Wednesday 30 June 2021.

HADRA will support our residents in objecting to this planning application, however as […]

Phase 2 of Croydon Libraries’ Consultation

Information on how residents can make their views known during phase 2 is given below:

Feedback received during phase 1 of Croydon Libraries Consultation has helped the library service work through all of the options available to achieve the savings needed for 2022/23, while maintaining a statutory library service.

Following a meeting of the council’s cabinet where it was agreed to start the second phase of public consultation on proposed changes to the service, residents are now invited to express their views on the following options developed to make the £500,000 savings target outlined in detail in the cabinet paper.

  • Reduce service hours by 21% across the borough
  • Outsource all libraries
  • Hybrid – reduction in service hours (two days per week) to eight libraries and five community run libraries

You can find more details for each of these […]

Purley Strategic Framework now published and open for comment

We are pleased to inform you that the Purley Strategic Framework has been published. We are writing to you as you kindly took part in our survey for this project and asked us to keep you informed about it.

You can find out more and review the documents here:

We are also keen to find out what people think of the plan so we would invite you to complete a very short survey to give us your feedback on the Plan and Projects manual. The link to the survey is in the weblink above.

May 2021

HADRA is 50!

Hartley & District Residents’ Association was founded in 1970. It originally covered 17 roads and about 1,000 homes, but over the years development and boundary changes have boosted these numbers to 28 and 1,200 respectively, although some of the roads in the Reedham area have their own residents’ association. Our main objective, in accordance with our Constitution, is “to advance and protect the common interests of the residents and to improve the amenities of the district”.

HADRA acts as a kind of ’watchdog’ but relies on all residents to report changes and developments which could adversely affect the area in some way. The organisation is recognised by the Council and our local Councillors become involved when necessary and often attend monthly Committee meetings.

HADRA is funded by subscriptions of just £3 per household, per annum and occasional advertising revenue from […]

To Pay Your Subscription

The easiest way to pay your subscription is to set up an annual standing order. We have recently moved our bank account so please note the new details:

Account name: HADRA

Sort Code: 23 05 80 (Metro Bank)

Account number: 41022558

Please quote your postcode and flat/house number in the reference.

You can of course use the same details to make a one-off payment. Alternatively, cash and cheques made payable to HADRA can be delivered to:

HADRA Treasurer, 54b Haydn Avenue, Purley, CR8 4AE.

Please remember to include your name and address.

If you have any queries about your subscription, please email

We are also very grateful for any donations.

New HADRA Website!

The HADRA Committee is delighted to announce the launch of our brand-new website, which can now be viewed at Please take a moment to have a look.

The structure of the site has been completely re-ordered in a way that we hope makes it more user-friendly, whilst also being more easily accessible via mobile devices.

You’ll find a list of useful frequently asked questions; planning news specific to your road (click on any news item at to see a list of roads on the right hand side on a desktop or at the bottom of the screen on a mobile device); items of interest about local history; and much more.

The Committee intends to regularly add items of interest, particularly in relation to planning, and review other content, as required. Some areas of the site remain in […]

Coulsdon Rocks

If you’ve ever come across a brightly decorated stone whilst out-and-about, you’ll be forgiven for greeting it with some surprise! You probably stumbled across an intentionally created and placed piece of art by local residents, many of them children.

“Coulsdon Rocks” aims to bring a little fun and magic to the local area. If you happen across one of the rocks, please take a photo of it and then post the image to the Coulsdon Rocks Facebook page indicating where it was found. You are welcome to then either keep the rock safe or hide it again for someone else to find.

Residents are also more than welcome to add their own rocks to Coulsdon. They can be as colourful and imaginative as you like, but there are a few simple rules to remember:

  • Be mindful where you hide your rocks. Always respect […]

Ode to Old Coulsdon

Whilst looking through some old archives recently, we came across this poem, written by HADRA resident Diane Johansen and published in a 2006 edition of the Hartley News. 15 years on, the situation certainly isn’t any better and is arguably considerably worse!

Ode to Old Coulsdon
“Oh, it’s progress, indeed,” said the man in the hat
As the flint walls came tumbling down
And there in their stead stood a thin wooden board
In an incongruous cheap shade of brown.

“Oh, it’s progress, indeed”, said the man in the hat
As the roof tiles from rafters were torn,
And the beams that had proudly held walls with their might
Were now tossed, bruised, battered and sawn.

“Oh, it’s progress, indeed”, said the man in the hat
As the flowers and grass turned to mire,
And the tarmac van hovered to spew out its load
And encompass the garden […]

Walk This May – National Walking Month

Walking is simple, free and one of the easiest ways to get more active, lose weight and become healthier. Many residents have discovered new local walks as part of their daily exercise during the Covid-19 lockdowns. We’d like to draw your attention to a free app called GoJauntly (available in the Apple App Store and Google Play), which will not only help you discover new walks, but also enables users to upload and share their own favourite walks.

One feature we particularly like about the GoJauntly app is the “greenest route” function. This allows you to put in your destination and it will automatically calculate the most pleasant route for you… worth trying some alternatives to walking along the Brighton Road! And don’t worry about it adding too much to your journey time… […]

Coulsdon Manor Golf Course

Although owned by Croydon Council, the land including the golf course is leased to the hotel under a private contract. There are two public footpaths that may be used by non-golfers (see map). Do remember to take care and look out for players, and be respectful of their game.

Negotiations are taking place between residents’ associations, councillors, golf club members and hotel management to see if we can agree public rights of way around the perimeter of the golf course.

April 2021

Covid-19 Vaccination Programme

The NHS is currently offering the vaccine to people who are 50 and over, residents and staff in care homes, people who are extremely clinically vulnerable and health and care staff.

People over 50 years may choose to attend their local GP-led vaccination site or one of the large vaccination sites. Anyone who has received a letter can log on to the national booking service at and choose from large scale vaccination centres or pharmacy services across the south west London.

Anyone unable to book online can call 119 free of charge, anytime between 7am and 11pm seven days a week.

People who book into a vaccine centre will be greeted by volunteers who will marshal car parks and register people when they arrive.

They will receive a health status check and a pre-vaccination assessment before they have their jab.

Appointments are staggered to allow for social distancing […]

March 2021

HADRA Supports Nut Tree Outdoor Nursery

For a change, the HADRA committee are pleased to recommend that residents support a planning application for the Nut Tree Outdoor Nursery to be established in the rear garden of 10 Haydn Avenue, CR8 4AE.

Details of this planning application number 21/00960/FUL for the Alterations including part change of use of the site to an outdoor nursery (use class D1), including the erection of two temporary outbuildings to the rear of the site can be found on Croydon Council’s public access register.

This development would create an outdoor nursery for up to 16 children. It backs onto the Reedham Park Primary School, which closed last year, and would provide additional schooling infrastructure in the local area, which the current council has failed to do despite the number of planning applications it has approved for demolishing family houses and building flats.

The […]

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